Blogging Fail =(
So despite how much I tried to catch up from the homeland on my traveling adventures, I barely got to the plane ride before I got back to the States. And now, back on campus and my tale has been left alone to rot... Maybe I'll just hit the highlights, or tell my story in a non-linear fashion. I've let too many experiences go by without documenting what I've learned or how something has affected me. We'll see how it turns out, another option is just simply moving forward and talking about things as I go along. Anyway, the first week of classes for the spring semester is here upon us. A month after the new year has rung in and my resolutions were made in the haste of fireworks and smoke, but I have a feeling that with some of the classes I'm taking there will be more steadfast resolutions to come. For sure this is a blogging Fail and it's probably bad etiquette to publish thoughtless musings, but at least at the end of the day I got something in the show for what ...