March Check-in
I've had plenty of things that I've wanted to write about, just doesn't seem like I'm up for writing very much. 1) In terms of personal update, I started taking ballet classes at my old studio, thanks to Groupon. $75 for 8 classes, and the chance to take classes with my same teachers...I just couldn't pass it up. 2) I've got a big grad school decision coming up. Ph.D in Education from UCSB or M.Ed in Student Affairs from UCLA? I've visited both and am in the process of making pro-con lists, timelines, comparisons...basically a lot of fluff time consumers as I haven't had any epiphanies or surprises. What it comes down to is, would I rather get a more highly respected degree from a mid-ranked graduate school now, OR do I want to get more of a starter advanced degree from a really prestigious graduate school, get some work experience, and put off the terminal degree until I get more work experience, but potentially enabling me to get into a better g...