To being young...
To going on a weekend trip with no idea of where I was going, but simply putting my faith in the drivers...
To singing roadtrip songs and being on a firstname basis with Christina, Alanis, Natalie, and Beyonce (okay well she's on a firstname basis with everyone)...
To freezing cold streams and steaming hot onsens...and making friends with locals while everyone is naked...
To jumping off rocks and screaming like your life depended on it...and to all the support from your friends after your epic fail landing left your legs, butt, and arms tingly shocked be essentially unharmed...
To barbequed cookies and rediscovering the wonders of Costco...
To drinking games and terrible dance moves...
To being in a place so beautiful that the word beautiful sounds insufficient...
To wonderful memories, of being young and remembering that these are the stories I'll remember when I get old, and so now is the time to live those stories :)
To singing roadtrip songs and being on a firstname basis with Christina, Alanis, Natalie, and Beyonce (okay well she's on a firstname basis with everyone)...
To freezing cold streams and steaming hot onsens...and making friends with locals while everyone is naked...
To jumping off rocks and screaming like your life depended on it...and to all the support from your friends after your epic fail landing left your legs, butt, and arms tingly shocked be essentially unharmed...
To barbequed cookies and rediscovering the wonders of Costco...
To drinking games and terrible dance moves...
To being in a place so beautiful that the word beautiful sounds insufficient...
To wonderful memories, of being young and remembering that these are the stories I'll remember when I get old, and so now is the time to live those stories :)